The Outreach Committee mission is to build and strengthen the community of St. Thomas Church by serving the holistic needs of our parishioners with compassion and understanding to ensure all parishioners know they are cared for, valued and important members of our St. Thomas community.
If you have questions please contact our ministry coordinator, Dixie Reid: 208-699-5305
St. Thomas Parish partners with nine other churches to provide a Thursday noon meal for our vulnerable neighbors in Coeur d'Alene. Each church prepares a meal six to seven times per year. About 30 to 40 people are served each week. To get involved, contact Cindy Algeo at 509-951-1883, Carol Ridge at 208-762-3434, or Susan Jacobson at 208-773-7881.
Contact Carla Loucks if you'd like to help with Faith Formation, or the OCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation) in the preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.
We are a group of St. Thomas parishioners who provide help when needed to fill various gaps. It is an “As needed” position where we could be baking for an event, raking leaves on the parish grounds or doing various chores where needed. contact the Lisa to sign up. 208-664-9259 x2 or [email protected]
You are a vital part of Parish Ministry. Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas — how will you help?